CORE ALIGN 6-month program
Connect to your CORE with an in-depth, customized program to help you establish new wellness patterns for your body and mind.
If you're like most of us right now you're tired, overwhelmed and living a lifestyle that doesn't feel sustainable.
You have some good days (or hours) where everything falls into place, but for the most part, you’re simply surviving.
You might remember what it feels like to be calm, centered and in the driver's seat – you might even know what you need to do to get there but even with the best intentions you won't, don't or can't do it.
I understand this feeling completely.
As a mom of a 4 yr old and 9 month old running a business during COVID, I know what it feels like to be holding my breath all day just to get through the 'must do' list. And, I know what it feels like to exhale at the end of that day with nothing left to give to my family.
I know the pain that comes with this lifestyle - physically (back and neck pain), mentally (worst-case scenario thinking) and spiritually (doubt and despair).
I also know a way out.
As a Pilates instructor and former dancer, I've experienced the way movement can release anxiety, align your body and get you out of your head. However, movement alone never relieved my deeper feelings of insecurity and doubt in my life. It didn't take away the negative thoughts I constantly consumed that kept me in a state of fear. It wasn't until I started valuing self-care practices and mindset work like meditation, visualization and positive affirmations that I was able to find a deep connection to my calm, centered self.
I realized that BOTH components – the physical and mental – were necessary in order to thrive in my life.
Recently, I was reminded of how vital the mindset work is when practiced with movement. When the pandemic began, even though I committed to working out, I stopped all mindset practices to find more time for work. The result? Even though my body felt great, my mind was drained from obsessive, fearful thinking, and I wasn’t a happy mom, wife, friend or teacher. I knew something needed to shift. So, I committed to 30 days of CORE-connected mindset work, and everything changed...
- I had the energy to easily complete my daily work-related tasks and the end-of-day chores
- I was nicer to my husband and more playful and creative with my kids
- I was surprisingly resilient when presented with challenging news or challenging behaviors
I was thriving.
I was so excited by the shifts happening in me that I wanted to share the work with my community. I re-launched my 30-day CORE Elevate program in October, and I saw the same results in my clients. They were finally making the time for themselves and noticing a sense of calm, connection and stability that hadn't been there. I've witnessed major physical transformation in my clients over my 19 years of teaching Pilates. However, watching the next level of transformation happen after adding in the mindset work always blows me away and confirms my belief that BOTH movement and mindset are needed. (See what clients have to say below!)
That is why I'm SO excited to be re-launching my 6-month CORE Align program!
how it works
6 Months to a Deep CORE Strength and an Aligned Life
What is CORE Align?
CORE Align is a Pilates+Mindset program designed to help women like you (and me) get out of the cycle of overwhelm and pain to find resilience, energy and happiness. This program offers the accountability and support to connect to your CORE self – physically, mentally and spiritually – through weekly Pilates sessions (privates or group classes), a custom CORE Integration Plan and monthly CORE Talks where we dive deep into what's getting in the way and how to make shifts so you can realize your wellness potential. It's set up in a long-term format so you can really invest the time it takes to make lasting changes.
CORE Align is for You If:
- You want to connect to your holistic CORE-self - physically, mentally, spiritually
- You know you need accountability and support to help you stay CORE-connected
- You’re ready to invest in YOU at a higher level and know that one-on-one support will help you do this bestCORE Align is NOT for You If:
- You just want to have ‘fun’ and don’t want to do deeper work
- You don’t want to commit to yourself and spending more time with YOU
- You don’t want to shift into a different way of beingWhat Clients are Saying:
After completing Denise's program, it’s truly hard for me to articulate the transformation I’ve undergone. Physically, I grew strong enough to perform exercises I hadn’t been able to master in my ten-year practice, and I got noticed by instructors in other classes for my improved physical performance. Mentally, I gained a renewed sense of confidence, both on and off my
mat. Even my partner of nine years and my therapist of six years asked me why I seemed so much more upbeat, content, and at peace. These are just a few examples that brush the surface of the impact the work has had on my life, not just during the program but beyond. I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to piece together a wellness routine with regular fitness classes, therapy, self-help books, daily rituals, and workshops. But this is the only program I’ve found that packages it all in a single bundle. Words really can’t do it justice, you just have to experience it for yourself.(Caitlyn, NYC)
Working with Denise helped reinvigorate my daily practices. The permission to do less was huge in creating more consistency in my life and having a combination of Pilates and CORE Talks was very supportive. The encouragement to engage CORE throughout the day and in response to challenging circumstances has been a fantastic new resource for me and is more grounding than 'just' breath. I highly recommend Denise's program!
(Dahlia, CA)
- Customize your 6-month program
About Denise
Denise Posnak Gaffney has been teaching Pilates for over 19 years. She is a certified Romana's Pilates teacher, holds an MFA in Dance and is certified in pre and post-natal Pilates.
She believes that when you are centered, aligned, strong and supple, your life expands. Denise embraces a mind/body connection that opens you to new levels of awareness, strength, flexibility and mental well-being.
In addition to teaching online, Denise offers in-person studio sessions in Maplewood, NJ. She also offers business consultation sessions for fitness professionals.
© 2017