• the method

    We meet you wherever you are, whenever.

    First, start where you are.

    Whether you haven’t exercised in years, live an active lifestyle or are a professional dancer/athlete, it’s important to objectively evaluate your starting point. We embrace exactly where you are, and together, we will design an individualized road map to achieve the results you want most.

    Second, engage in a sustainable method of fitness.

    We are known for our ability to teach you a sustainable way to reach your goals. This means we focus on proper form and move through any obstacles or blocks that slow down your progress. We don’t care if you can do five, ten, or fifty repetitions. We care that you can do one in perfect form. Our work is about quality over quantity.

    Third, keep showing up.

    Often, the most challenging part of a fitness program is sticking with it. This is why we have created our exclusive MyBOD system. Our programs make it easy for you to stay consistent by allowing you to practice wherever you are. Whether you’re in your hotel room on a business trip, in your living room while your child is napping or in your office on your lunch break, we are able to design our workouts specific to your needs.

    Fourth, work (inside) out.

    You have an inner and outer strength. When you focus on the internal first, the rest comes easy. Using the Pilates method, we concentrate on working consciously from the inside out, stabilizing your core and lengthening your spine. In your session you will use your own body weight to deeply challenge under worked muscles and stretch into your fullest potential. You will be amazed at how quickly you will begin to feel and see the results of your efforts.

    Finally (or Fifth), feel aligned, connected and energized.

    This is what we know for sure: when you start where you are, engage in a sustainable method, and work from the inside out, you become aligned and connected to your body. When you’re connected to yourself, you can better connect to others and to your world. Your energy will return. You will feel proud of yourself. You will feel more like you again. Period.

  •  free 20-min session

    Always wanted to try Pilates? Now's your chance.

    Let's connect and talk about your goals + get your body moving.

  • GET DENISE's 'My DAILY FIVE' video

    My Daily Five: a 12-min Pilates video to start getting you connected to your core.